Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Monday, September 30, 2019 - Docked in Korcula, visited Korcula, Croatia

People call Korcula the “Little Dubrovnik” because of its medieval squares, churches, palaces and houses. We had a walking tour with Monica and Bill.  When we got to the tender port, we found out that there was a mess-up of our tour guide’s schedule, and the tour was pushed to one hour later. 

After we met our tour guide, she told us a lot about the history and the Korcula town. We entered the Old Town via the Land Gate and walking along Charity Street (it is the only Korčula street without steps and is therefore referred to as the Street of Thinkers) to the other end of the town to enjoy this little but beautiful town.  The Korcula town is built in a shape of a fishbone.  The main street as the backbone, all streets running to north are curly and all the streets running to south are straight.  She told us that was for blocking northern cold wind during winter and allowing cold breeze come in during summer.  Smart design!  
Land Gate
Charity Street
According to Croatians, Marco Polo was born in Korcula.  There is a Marco Polo house in here, unfortunately it was under renovation, so we could only take photos of the house from outside. 
Marco Polo House is under renovation
Due to the schedule mess-up we had in the morning, the guide also brought some local special treats from the famous bakery Cukarin as good gesture of apologizing to us. 

After that we visited The Cathedral of St. Mark which is the Roman Catholic cathedral of Korčula, Croatia. It occupies an elevated position in the town centre. It also has a clock tower and we climbed up to the top to enjoy the beautiful top view of the town and surrounding scenery. 
The Cathedral of St. Mark
View from the top of clock tower
The last stop was to walk along the Šetalište Petra Kanavelića to enjoy the waterfront and restaurants along the way.
Outdoor cafe on the Šetalište Petra Kanavelića
Water front along the Šetalište Petra Kanavelića

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